Middlesbrough Angling Club – Spring/Summer Roundup. Club news, notices, points of interest & information for members discussed at our April, May & June Committee Meetings – Apologies for the delayed communication of this information and the departure from the usual monthly update – With work and the clubs hectic spring match schedule and getting some work done on the rivers while the weather allows I’m often meeting myself coming back!
- MARSKE RESERVOIR MAJOR WORKS – FUNDING UPDATE – The committee is working hard behind the scenes on planning to deliver major works to make the res safer and more accessible for members – a costly and time consuming project! We were delighted to receive the news that our application for £7,500 of funding towards the work from the Environment Agency Fisheries Improvement Fund has been confirmed – This funding comes directly from rod licence sales – Great work from Steve who put together the application and report to secure this funding to go with the £1000 from PD Ports already received.
- Further to the above as this work moves from the planning stage to being carried out, sections of the reservoir will need to be closed off – Dates and times will be communicated in advance to members via the Facebook members group and club website.
- Now *fingers crossed* the weather should be a bit kinder the planned trial installation of a portaloo and the CCTV at Marske reservoir can go-ahead – also improvement work at Hutton Rudby delayed by the wet weather is to be completed.
- Thanks from the committee to members who have joined our Fisheries Officers and regularly given their time as volunteers at Both Marske reservoir and Hutton Rudby ponds on work parties – many hands make light work and it is much appreciated – Further work party dates will be added by Mike & Dale on the Facebook group.
- HUTTON RUDBY PONDS – KISSING GATE ACCESS – Back in April the owner of the land used by our members for access to the ponds – that is also a public footpath – replaced the long-standing kissing gate with a smaller kissing gate – giving no prior notice to the club. The Fisheries Officer had made an attempt to enter into dialogue regarding access with the land owner through Hambledon Council last year but was met with no success. As a club with a high percentage of older members and several members with mobility issues the committee feel very strongly that the installation of the smaller gate is completely out of order – members can be assured the committee are exploring every option available to restore suitable access, including working with Fish Legal – the legal department of the Angling Trust – and we remain determined to find a solution that provides ALL our members with acceptable access – Thanks to Dale, Fisheries Officer at Hutton for his ongoing work and time working on this issue – Members will be updated on this matter via the Facebook group & website.
- In addition to the above the committee is aware the land used for access and allotment was put up for sale – included as land with the bungalow over the road and has now been sold.
- MEMBERSHIP – The club membership is now closed – new membership applications will now join the waiting list.
- Full members wishing to sign up youngsters (under 18) please contact Dale at Anglers Choice for details.
- Card payment / bank transfer options are being looked into for next years membership fees.
- Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officers have visited several of the clubs waters on a number of occasions over the last month to check rod licences – Members must have the appropriate rod fishing licence as well as up to date membership to fish the clubs stillwaters – Don’t get caught out – Check to make sure your licence is still valid.
- Rod fishing licences can be purchased online here: https://www.gov.uk/fishing-licences/buy-a-fishing-licence (Children under 13 do not need a licence & Licences for children aged between 13 – 16 are free but you will still need to register for a junior licence)
- M.A.C. WATER KEEPERS – Club Fisheries Officers have appointed water keepers with club accredited identification in order to carry out club membership card checks and ensure club rules are adhered to – please don’t be offended if you are asked to produce your membership and reel in so rigs can be checked – Several non-members fishing have been found and asked to leave and advice on rigs, fish handling etc has been given and taken on-board by members.
- As we move into summer and our waters are busier Fisheries Officers ask members to park responsibly and behave responsibly – keeping in mind other members and neighbouring landowners – please familiarise yourself with the club rule book and use a suitable landing net and unhooking mat / cradle – always keep fish care in mind. Don’t leave rods unattended – KEEP GATES CLOSED & LOCKED.
- The club has a zero tolerance policy towards those that Leave Litter and use drugs and alcohol – BE WARNED – behaviour that is detrimental to other members will result in membership being revoked.
- Please be aware that the fence that runs alongside the field where horses are kept that runs adjacent to the access road and car park at Marske Reservoir is an electrified fence – The club is providing signage to highlight this to members.
- SCALING DAM NATURE RESERVE – Our friends at Northumbrian Water / Waterside parks have asked us to remind our members that there is no fishing allowed in the nature reserve at Scaling Dam – The area is clearly signposted and the club will be providing further signage to ensure our members are aware of this.
- CHECK-CLEAN-DRY! – The Environment Agency Fisheries Team have provided the club with signage promoting the Check-Clean-Dry campaign to use at our waters to help stop the accidental spread of invasive species and potentially diseases – Members should always leave nets, slings, cradles etc in the open air prior to starting fishing – for about 15 minutes – as the UV light in daylight has been proven to be the best way to kill any harmful bacteria – Read more here – https://bit.ly/4faNTuW
- GIANT HOGWEED – With the river season well underway members are reminded about the dangers of Giant Hogweed that causes a painful rash, swelling and blistering of skin exposed to its sap – The club has been getting involved working with The Tees Rivers Trust, who together with their volunteers have been doing excellent ongoing work spraying this invasive species in the Tees Valley – The club will be providing a letter of support as the trust looks to secure lottery funding to upscale its activities to eradicate invasive species and make the riverbanks a safer place for everyone. Read more about the Tees Rivers Trust here – https://bit.ly/4bEz8gS
- RIVER LEVEN – Following on from the above, action to spray the forest of giant hogweed on the clubs stretch of the River Leven has achieved a great die-back and further spraying is planned (When rain isn’t forecast)! Hopefully when the area is free from the hog we can move forward with some work parties to clear some pegs and take down the undergrowth and also to improve access – Any members planning to fish the stretch – or any of the clubs stretches of river – should be mindful of the remaining hogweed.
- M.A.C COMPETITIONS ROUND-UP – As mentioned in the intro it has been a very busy time for myself and Dale since the last round-up, looking after the clubs stillwater competitions with the introduction of the Reservoir Masters Series to the match calendar – A massive thanks as always to all who have supported and take part – ensuring the club has a thriving and progressive competitions section that includes anglers of all ages.
- HUTTON RUDBY MONDAY MATCHES – Monday Afternoon Matches alternate between ponds on a weekly basis – New faces are always welcome – Book on with Dale at Anglers Choice (01642) 899 288 DETAILS / MATCH DATES – https://bit.ly/3Porte6
- MARSKE RESERVOIR SUMMER CHAMPS -SUNDAY 21st JULY – Back in April David Atkins took the spring champs title from peg 38 with 40lb-09oz. Once again we have had a great response and the upcoming summer champs match is a sell-out – Thanks again to for the great support! Draw 9AM – Fish 10.30AM – 3.30PM… Hopefully we have fine weather and can live stream some of the action on Facebook!… Members are advised the reservoir grounds and car park will be closed to non-participants from midnight – 5PM on the match date. NO EXCEPTIONS – Due to the limited car parking space members wishing to fish after the match are kindly asked not to arrive before 5PM.
- LOW DINSDALE THURSDAY MATCHES – The clubs monthly river fixtures on the Middle Tees continue on with the Zetland Trophy on Thursday 18th July. Pegging at the Ashes and the Toll Bridge, dependant on numbers and conditions. Draw 8am at the Toll Bridge and fishing 10am-3pm. To book on call Anglers Choice (01642) 899288. 2024 RIVER MATCHES – https://bit.ly/3S57keD
- M.A.C. NWL RESERVOIR MASTERS SERIES 2024 – LOCKWOOD BECK – Jim Taylor came out on top to take the title and £300 winners prize after 3 rounds that were the definition of wild natural venue fishing! An achievement made all the more remarkable – given the nature of the venue and the conditions – as Jim is one of the clubs oldest members at ninety years of age – Amazing! Thanks to all who took part and supported this new series showcasing the fantastic fishing available to our members at Lockwood Beck. FULL REPORT – https://bit.ly/3KDzXLP

- M.A.C. RON THOMPSON MEMORIAL 2024 – The sun shone for a change! as Martin White was crowned champion and new match record holder after a great weekend of competition. Martin put in two great performances with a venue winning day one weight of 35lb-01oz on a tricky Hutton front pond and a superb 7 carp haul of 95lb-01oz from Marske Reservoir on day two – for a new competition record combined weight of 130lb-02oz… Junior member Alex Metcalfe gave the performance of the weekend to take second spot with a total weight of 124lb-15oz edging last years champ, David Atkins into third spot with 118lb-06oz – Another great weekend to honour Ron and the birth of the M.A.C. Facebook live stream!
- RIP MICK BROADLEY – Middlesbrough Angling Club were saddened to hear of the passing of local match angling legend Mick Broadley – Mick was a long standing Member of the Club, fishing matches on the Tees & Swale and also fished plenty of the Monday Matches at Hutton Rudby. Mick lived for his fishing, he always had a story to tell and plenty of advice. He will be sadly missed by all at M.A.C – The funeral will be held at Maplewood Chapel, Stockton Crematorium on Monday 15th July at 2PM.
- Once again apologies for the delay in putting this update together – Normal service will be resumed next month! Keep the catch reports and catch pictures coming on the M.A.C. Private members Facebook group – Always use a suitable unhooking mat / cradle – Pictured Below, Dawn Callaghan with a nicely scaled mirror carp from Marske Reservoir.
Tight Lines! M.A.C. Committee.